Founder Pierre Garreaud
Welcome to Perú Sacred Tours. I have created Peru Sacred Tours to share with all travelers the utmost experience when it comes to visiting Perú. We cannot say we visit Perú if we didn't get immersed in the "Living Culture", the Inca People, their food, their way of living and most of all... 'Their Spirituality and Ceremonies to Mother Earth".
Perú is a country with amazing cultural diversity and extraordinary landscapes. Our 'folklore' has an outstanding variety of expressions kin to the location and culture of a town or village. Expressions that come through music, food, ceramics, arts, and stonework.
The Incas, The Moches, The Chimu, The Chachapoyas, The Nazcas, the Urus and many more ethnic groups, have very clear legacies in art, spirituality, and culture.
Perú Sacred Tours' mission is to give the traveler "an Amazing Experience" that encompasses all of the above, not just walking through sacred sites as a typical tourist. We go far and beyond into the real Living Culture of Perú. We guarantee to make your experience a Life changing one.
Since my adolescent years I have been working with native healers, ‘Curanderos’ from many different regions of Perú. I have been fascinated with their alternative ways of seeing the nature of sickness and their sacred ways of fully restoring a person’s health.
In my quest for personal healing and spiritual development, I traveled to many amazing places nestled in some of Perú’s most wonderful and magnificent landscapes. Through the many years of traveling and working in sacred ceremonies with many Shamans, little by little, I started weeding out individuals that didn’t fall under the criteria that I knew was imperative. These criteria encompassed three very specific elements:
Great Ethics, Integrity, and Safety
Sacredness, prayer, and devotion
Great respect for the Spirits of the Plants.

Maestro Juan & Bruns

The Twin Shamans

Our Curanderos
It has taken me over 25 years to find the right native ‘curanderos’ that fall under such strict criteria. These amazing ‘curanderos’, not only offer great quality healing, but I fully trust, respect and love them as part of my big spiritual family.
My travels took me to places far in the remote rainforest of Iquitos -3 hours by boat and many trekking hours-, as well as to Puerto Maldonado, Pucallpa and Tarapoto all in search for the best ‘curanderos’ who worked with rainforest magical plants. I have always been interested in ‘Curanderos’ who helped not only with the healing process but also, with facilitating Spiritual Awakening by accessing different perceptual states.
I also traveled to the many Sacred Mountains or Apus in the Andes of Peru seeking to be initiated in the Andean Cosmology of the Inca tradition. I visited with many Q’eros, The Keepers of the Ancient Wisdom of the Incas as well as great shamans from the area of Cuzco, in the village of Huasao. I sought out knowledge and wisdom through the activations know as the Karpays.
The Paqos or Inca priests offer these sacred activations as energetic transmissions. They are experts in transmitting energetic codes through amazing spiritual ceremonies that help with the activation of new filaments in the energy field or Aura. These new codes –the Karpays- are very needed at this time that the Earth is shifting into a new paradigm.
My travels also took me to meet extraordinary women ‘curanderas’ in northern Peru who work with the magical plant of San Pedro. These female shamans, Known as the Twin Shamans became my mentors and are experts in healing the impossible and hold the utmost vibrational frequencies of Divine Love.
Peru Sacred Tours is proud to offer great mystical experiences with the best native healers, ‘curanderos’ in Perú.
Our 'Curanderos' only work in 'sacredness' and individuals can only participate in ceremonies when they come with humility, love and respect for Mother Earth Pachamama and her medicine plants like Ayahuasca and San Pedro. All plant "medicine" are carefully handpicked, cooked and prepared in prayer and in ultimate sacredness.
We are aware of the great interest that people are having in experiencing the Ayahuasca medicine from the rainforest. In the last 10 years, due to overexposure of the media and the internet, Ayahuasca has become very commercialized, jeopardizing the integrity and quality in the preparation of the medicine. We have noticed that the medicine is being sold in many local markets where merchants are adding extra plants and additives to make the Medicine more potent. As these merchants compete with each other promoting a higher potency of their brew, higher health risks resulted from taking this sacred plant out of the ceremonial and sacred context.
The 'Curanderos' we work with have very high standards. For them, the Spiritual aspect of this medicine cannot be dismissed to just create another social drug to be experienced. Ayahuasca is sacred, it has to be prepared in sacredness and offered only Ceremony within a special code of ethics and diet.
Doña Julia

Don Francisco

Don Benito

Don Ricardo

Don Wilson &Doña Vilma
Don Benito

Don Martin "El Condor"
By extraordinary synchronicities, I was to meet Don Martin, who initiated me in the Andean Cosmology. Don Martin welcomed me into the medicine of the Andes, their traditions, and ceremonies. I was initiated on this rock, the flying saucer in October 2003, the Karpay I received was incredibly powerful. I saw myself flying like a Condor, it really awakened me to a new paradigm I was to follow... Shamanism.
Don Fernando, a very good loyal friend and Shaman works with the San Pedro Cactus. He is local from the Sacred Valley and knows the old stories of the Sacred Sites. He brings our tourists to more adventurous journeys and hikes like the Rainbow Mountain and Choquequirao.
Don Fernando 'El Huachumero'

Our Staff
Perú Sacred Tours has an office in the City of Cuzco. We run our operations and services under the direction of Manager David Royer Champi. We are delighted to have David in our team for over 10 years.
Beyond his managerial duties, David has proven to be a very dedicated and safe driver. People who travel with us, have a hard time saying goodbye to David because he gives everyone an amazing service and attention to care. David is fun, respectful and loyal.
Perú Sacred Tours has professional tour guides, van services and personal that help with coordinating all activities making any journey in Perú unforgettable. Our drivers are reliable, attentive, punctual and conscious of our traveler's safety. Our tour guides are knowledgeable and go beyond what is taught at the Tourism school; they are warm and know the Living culture of the Incas because it is their own and they are proud of being a Peruvian.
Cusco's Manager David Royer