Vibrating the Body into Awakening
Group Healing Ceremony
With Master Sound Healers and Energy Activators
Janice Johnson & Pierre Garreaud,
September 15, 2019, at 4:00 - 6:00 pm
Meredith Whole Living Center:
48 Main Street, 2nd floor, Meredith, NH 03253, 603.279.0007

You have been working and invested a lot of time into perfecting your body Asanas, why not bring it to the next level?
Expand your INTUITION, your KNOWING, and WISDOM, which are the result of opening your THIRD EYE.
Vibration and movement is everything in the Universe, and anything that moves creates a sound. The Body is like an instrument that needs to be tuned. Yoga Asanas helps the body with flexibility, endurance, and centering, yet Shamanic Yoga uses all the physical enhancements of the asanas to run the Universal Energy through the superhighway of the cerebral spinal centers.
By using sound and vibrational energy, students will experience a whole-body expansion into the mystical dimensions. Sound induces trance states as it brings participants into the realm of theta brain waves, the dream state. Through the use of many different sound waves, the chakra system and nadis will be activated for the Universal Divine energy to move through, thus creating a high state of awareness and expansion of the third eye.
“In my many years as a spiritual teacher, I have noticed that many people seek to grow their spiritual wings by expanding their heart and upper chakras but forget to grow their roots deep into the Earth. I have discovered through Yoga and Shamanism that the deeper one works with the 3 lower chakras the stronger the body/soul connection gets. In this manner, the Earth provides the individual with a solid container to receive the heavenly energies. The deeper the roots, the taller the tree. As a spiritual seeker myself, in my early years, I used to tame the shadows of the lower chakras by meditating and quieting the mind. Later on in my life, I realized through shamanic practices that I needed to transmute these energies and combust the shadow self in the kundalini fire in order to achieve freedom from the karmic wheels of the lower chakras. This level of Freedom is very much needed for becoming an awakened Being.” Pierre Garreaud
Please bring comfortable padding to lay down like blankets and pillows. For More Information contact Pierre at guasabo@yahoo.com * 603-581-2251 *

Spiritual Teacher, Sound Healer, and Shaman from Perú.
Pierre Garreaud has studied the ways of the Shaman and has been following the path of ‘Curanderismo’,-natives healing modalities from his homeland, Perú since 1992. Initiated by Master Ayahuasquero Agustin Rivas in the 90’s, Pierre learned from him sound healing and discovered during an Ayahuasca ceremony the important power of sound as a primordial tool for aiding and assisting ceremonies, healing, and the awakening process. Later on, at the turn of the century, Pierre was initiated into the Andean Cosmology by Pako, Inca priest Don Martin Pinedo. In October 2003, Destiny sought him and a powerful ceremony at the top mountain Araypallpa was gifted to Pierre by the Condor, Don Martin. His first Hatun Karpay was about to change his life forever. Prior to this amazing event, In July 2003, Pierre received the Kriya Yoga initiation from Paramhansa Yogananda’s disciples. The year 2003, marks a big shift in his life. Being a number 5 year- 2003 was a year of dramatic change, shift and initiations for Pierre resulting in the opening and awakening of the Kundalini serpent. For seven years he was mentored by the renowned Twin Shamans and toured extensively with them sharing profound healing modalities from the Moche Culture of Perú. Through years of meditation, shamanic practices, working as a sound healer and by being Divinely guided through spiritual downloads Pierre has emerged to transmit activations by using the Breath of Life and Divine Sound.
Janice was born in Saint Ignace, New Brunswick, Canada.
Since she was a child, Janice felt compelled to help people. At the age of six, she naturally became the caretaker of her young cousin who was born with Spina Bifida. She was very attentive to him and showered him with a motherly love, which played a major role in the path her career took in the later years.
At that young age, Janice had the talent for feeling the energy from people who could not express their needs. She continued to develop that gift to the point where today she intuitively knows how to help her clients.Over the years, Janice took many workshops and training in the field of Body, Mind, and Soul, which allowed her to assemble a very unique healing toolbox. She is mostly guided by her intuition as she reads the client’s energy field and then she follows by using the healing modality that is needed. Because of her very highly developed intuition, she often gets inner messages for the person whom she is treating and as she shares this information great healing is achieved.
Her basic training as a Human Service Counselor has helped her greatly in working with the V.O.N. program, Healthy Baby & Me. She continued in that direction and developed prenatal sessions which she calls “Hypno- intuitive”. That particular work brought her to a career as a Doula and a practitioner in the field of Hypno-birthing through which she helps couples conceive and experience a serene birthing experience. Janice is continually developing her skills; she has training in Reiki, Healing Touch, Consulting Hypnotist, Metamorphic Massage and Practitioner, Hypno-fertility and Aroma Touch Trainer for Doterra Essential Oils.
In recent trips to Machu Picchu, Peru where she had the privilege of working with shamans, she was given the opportunity to deepen and widen her knowledge in that field. These encounters allowed her to add very unique techniques to her toolbox, namely the shamanic practices to remove negative energies accumulated in the body. These ancestral clearing techniques have been used for centuries in the Andes to help remove negative energy that clings to cells and makes it difficult for people to grow and thrive. Often, physical pain, disease, and emotional pain vanish after the negative energies are released.
Janice offers an array of services, all aiming to help people relax, listen to their inner voice and take charge of their lives enabling them to leave the past behind and shift into a more harmonious life. Her many years as a Doula has helped her design a very unique program for “Birthing the Inner Child”. She currently works at her healing center Innzen Wellness with husband Pierre Garreaud.
Energy Exchange: $50.00
To register please pay online via credit card or send a check photo (front and back) via email to guasabo@yahoo.com
Please bring comfortable attire, water, a nice comforter or sleeping bag mat and pillows to lay on the floor.
For more information on the Heal the Healer workshop please call 818-262-1659 or email us at guasabo@gmail.com